The concept of yoga for heart disease is in currency for long. Of late, it is getting better coinage following concerted studies which have shown how symptoms of coronary artery disease have been reduced.
Kapalabhati Breathing
Kapalabhati breathing is a pranayama technique. Kapalabhati requires that you breathe in rapid succession while consciously controlling the movements of the diaphragm (a membrane separating abdomen from chest.) This exercises the entire respiratory system forcing higher oxygen absorption in a short time. This ensures richer blood to reach cardiovascular muscles regardless of its quantity, thus removing the major complaint.
Yoga Mountain Pose
Tadasana, a completely balanced standing posture is the foundation for all asanas which start from standing. Touch your heels and big toes to each other with weight balanced evenly on metatarsals (bones in foot) and toes spread. Stiffen and pull-up calf muscles, knee caps, thighs and hips. Take stomach in; expand chest, neck and spine. Release fingers, drop hands straight and keep them stiff.
Warrior Pose
Begin from the mountain pose and jump change to fully stretched legs and arms (horizontal) sideways. Rotate outwards right foot by 900 and left foot by 700. Bend the right knee till thigh becomes parallel to ground keeping the plane of the body unaltered. Breathe in a few times and return to tadasana and repeat this for the next half of the body.
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