Saturday, September 27, 2008

Yoga and low blood pressure

Every living animal on the planet has blood pressure; there is no exception to this rule. The blood flows through the body with certain pressure, but if the pressure is lower than the normal range then it is a disease, which is called low Blood Pressure.

It is the condition in which the action of the heart, is forcing the blood through the arteries is weak.

Practicing certain yoga asanas and breathing, increases blood pressure, improves and balances and strengthens the nervous system, tones the digestive system, cleans and strengthens the arteries and corrects the flow of the blood to the body.

Kapalbhati Kriya
in vajrasana or padmasana.
Place hands on the knees, back upright, eyes looking straight ahead.
Exhale forcefully through the nose while pushing the stomach inward.
Inhalation should be passive and short. Quickly perform the next exhalation. Do this continuously to a rhythm.

Practice this with 50 exhalations at a stretch, then increase to 100.
Subsequently, perform this for 2minutes continuously and increase the duration to 10 minutes .

Increases the metabolic rate and reduces fat.
Improves cardio-respiratory endurance and builds stamina.
Activates the peristaltic movement in the stomach, resulting in better digestion and excretion.
Helps to cure sinus, migraine and hypertension.
Revitalises the system.

Those suffering from high blood pressure, gyneacological problems, stomach ailments or who have undergone recent surgery should consult their doctor before practicing this.

Bhastrika pranayama

/photo.cms?msid=1943653 • Sit back on your heels.
/photo.cms?msid=1943655 • Bend arms at waist, elbows close to body, make fists as shown.
• Raise both fists up, a bit higher than head, keep elbows close to body.
• Exhale forcefully through mouth (cheeks puffed out) as you pull the arms down, taking elbows behind waist as shown.
• Repeat 20 times, exhalation should be rapid, movements smooth not jerky.
• Inhale deeply and slowly
• Exhale slowly.

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